Hohm Tech Hohm Life 18650 3077 mAh 20.7A Battery
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Please Note that Listed Price is for ONE (1) Battery ONLY.
Product Features:
- High Discharge INR Flat Top Battery
- 3077 mAh Rated Capacity
- 3.7V Nominal Voltage
- 20.7A Continuous Discharge Maximum
Fully charge before first use.
Never short (connect positive and negative size) battery.
Keep them always in battery case, or any other insulating material.
Never keep this battery together with metal objects (short circuit can happen if you do).
Never carry bare cell in your pocket with keys, change or any other metal objects.
Warning: Never use a short or flat 510 connection on any hybrid or hybrid style device. If unsure whether this pertains to your particular set-up, DO NOT assemble and use. Always use proper precautions and handling.
Advanced User Item. Use At Your Own Risk!
Use special caution when working with Li-ion (Lithium-ion), LiPo (Lithium-ion Polymer) and any rechargeable cells, as they are very sensitive to charging characteristics and may explode or burn if mishandled. Make sure the user has enough knowledge of Li-Ion (Lithium-ion), LiPo (Lithium-ion Polymer) and any rechargeable cells in charging, discharging, assembly and storage before use. Always charge in/on a fire-proof surface. Never leave charging batteries unattended. Do not use any rechargeable battery as well as any battery charger if any visible damage is present, as well as if the cell or charger has been stressed through mishandling, accidental or otherwise, even if damage may not be visible. Always store and transport rechargeable cells in a safe, non-conductive container in a controlled environment. Dispose of all battery cells and chargers in accordance to local laws and mandates.
VapeMantra® will not be held responsible or liable for any injury, damage, or defect, permanent or temporary that may be caused by the improper use of a Li-ion (Lithium-ion), LiPo (Lithium-ion Polymer) and any rechargeable battery/batteries. Please have a basic understanding of the batteries you are using and how to care for them properly.