Know More with VapeMantra
If you felt confusion about what is RBA / RDA / RTA / RDTA ,maybe you can read this blog to help you clear the mess.
RBA means: Rebuild-able Atomizer and RBA is a general name and hot RBA tanks.
RDA means: Rebuild-able Dripping Atomizer, there is no tank included to hold ejuice and feed the wick. You can get a perfect hit every time by dripping the ejuice directly to the wick manually, but you don’t need to always drip since there are some extra ejuice held .
RTA means: Rebuild-able Tank Atomizer . RTA looks like a tank atomizer (with clear tank or metal tank) but comes with a deck for you to build on. Most of the RTA has three main parts: Deck, Tank, Chimney. Here is a popular RTA for you :
RDTA means: Rebuild-able Dripping Tank Atomizer ,it’s RDA + RTA, with a tank to hold ejuice, and with a deck to build on, the difference is the function of “Auto Dripping”. You don’t need to pull off the top cap and drip onto the wick constantly, and it also have no channels for the ejuice flowing into the wick. They generally work by dripping onto your wick when you press down on the drip tip. It also named as “Auto Dripper”